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Generate output based on the input prompt for specified domain and settings.


  • prompt_task (str): The input prompt to generate, such as 'Create a playable snake game in PyGame'.
  • domain (Domain): Domain to generate. Existing options are 'codebase', 'book'. Default is 'codebase'.
  • run_tests (bool): Whether to run self-generated unit-tests when generating code. Default is False.
  • project_name (Optional[str]): Unique project name, such as 'snakegame'.
  • steps (int): Number of internal steps to use when creating the prompt program internally. Default is 10.
  • prompt_program (Optional[str]): Path to the prompt program to use, or the prompt program as a string in list format.
  • prompts_file_path (Optional[str]): Overrides the existing prompts to be used. Useful when creating a new prompt set for a new task.
  • tools_enabled (Optional[str]): List of functions that the agents can use, separated by commas. Defaults to use all tools available.
  • debugging_level (DebuggingLevel): Whether to print full context-windows out. Default is info.
  • init_config (bool): Initialize the configuration file for L2MAC. Default is False.


python run_l2mac --prompt_task "Create a simple blog in Django" --domain codebase

Equivalent python code.

from l2mac import run_l2mac, Domain

code = run_l2mac("Create a beautiful, playable and simple snake game with pygame. Make the snake and food be aligned to the same 10-pixel grid.", domain=Domain.codebase)

Utility Functions


Helper function to generate output specifically for codebase domain.


Helper function to generate output specifically for book domain.


Helper function to generate output for custom domains as specified.


To manage configurations, modify the configuration files located at config/config.yaml. Initial setup can be triggered using the --init_config flag when running commands.


Logging is handled via the l2mac.utils.logging module. Logs are stored in the specified directory logs in the local folder as per the configuration file.

Error Handling

Errors are logged with detailed stack traces to assist in debugging. Errors during the generation process are captured and logged, with partial outputs stored if possible.

Released under the MIT License.