User Guide Inverse Laplace Transform Algorithms
Laplace Theory Background
The Laplace transform of trajectory \(\mathbf{x}\) is defined as
where \(\mathbf{s}\in \mathbb{C}^d\) is a vector of \textit{complex} numbers and \(\mathbf{F}(\mathbf{s}) \in \mathbb{C}^d\) is called the Laplace representation. The \(\mathbf{F}(\mathbf{s})\) may have singularities, i.e. points where \(\mathbf{F}(\mathbf{s})\to \mathbf{\infty}\) for one component.
For further background details and references see [1].
The inverse Laplace transform (ILT) is defined as
where the integral refers to the Bromwich contour integral in \(\mathbb{C}^d\) with the contour \(\sigma>0\) chosen such that all the singularities of \(\mathbf{F}(\mathbf{s})\) are to the left of it [1].
Many algorithms have been developed to numerically evaluate the ILT Equation (above). On a high level, they involve two steps:
Code examples of ILT algorithms
Example showing how to use all the inverse Laplace Transform algorithms individually, with a known Laplace representation \(\mathbf{F}(\mathbf{p},\mathbf{s})\), and time points to evaluate for.
from time import strftime, time
import numpy as np
import torch
from torchlaplace.inverse_laplace import CME, DeHoog, FixedTablot, Fourier, Stehfest
time_points_to_reconstruct = 1000
s_recon_terms = 33
device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
t = torch.linspace(0.0001, 10.0, time_points_to_reconstruct).to(device)
# Cosine
def fs(so):
return so / (so**2 + 1) # Laplace solution
def ft(t):
return torch.cos(t) # Time solution
Evaluate s points per time input (Default, as more accurate inversion)
decoder = FixedTablot(ilt_reconstruction_terms=s_recon_terms).to(device)
t0 = time()
f_hat_t = decoder(fs, t)
"FixedTablot Loss:\t{}\t\t| time: {}".format(
np.sqrt(torch.nn.MSELoss()(ft(t), f_hat_t).cpu().numpy()), time() - t0
# Split evaluation of s points out from that of the line integral (should be the exact same result as above)
decoder = FixedTablot(ilt_reconstruction_terms=s_recon_terms).to(device)
t0 = time()
s, _ = decoder.compute_s(t)
fh = fs(s)
f_hat_t = decoder.line_integrate(fh, t)
"FixedTablot Loss (Split apart):\t{}\t| time: {}".format(
np.sqrt(torch.nn.MSELoss()(ft(t), f_hat_t).cpu().numpy()), time() - t0
decoder = FixedTablot(ilt_reconstruction_terms=s_recon_terms).to(device)
t0 = time()
s, _ = decoder.compute_s(t, time_max=torch.max(t))
fh = fs(s)
f_hat_t = decoder.line_integrate(fh, t, time_max=t.max().item())
"FixedTablot Loss (Split apart, Fixed Max Time):\t{}\t| time: {}".format(
np.sqrt(torch.nn.MSELoss()(ft(t), f_hat_t).cpu().numpy()), time() - t0
# Evaluate s points for one fixed time, maximum time (Less accurate, maybe more stable ?)
decoder = FixedTablot(ilt_reconstruction_terms=s_recon_terms).to(device)
t0 = time()
f_hat_t = decoder(fs, t, time_max=torch.max(t))
"FixedTablot Loss (Fixed Max Time):\t{}\t| time: {}".format(
np.sqrt(torch.nn.MSELoss()(ft(t), f_hat_t).cpu().numpy()), time() - t0
FixedTablot Loss: 0.4364858865737915 | time: 0.001544952392578125
FixedTablot Loss (Split apart): 0.4364858567714691 | time: 0.0011589527130126953
FixedTablot Loss (Split apart, Fixed Max Time): 1077.5205078125 | time: 0.0008168220520019531
FixedTablot Loss (Fixed Max Time): 1077.5205078125 | time: 0.000659942626953125
(Increasing degree here, introduces numerical error that increases larger than other methods, therefore for high degree becomes unstable.)
decoder = Stehfest(ilt_reconstruction_terms=s_recon_terms).to(device)
t0 = time()
f_hat_t = decoder(fs, t)
"Stehfest Loss:\t{}\t| time: {}".format(
np.sqrt(torch.nn.MSELoss()(ft(t), f_hat_t).cpu().numpy()), time() - t0
decoder = Stehfest(ilt_reconstruction_terms=s_recon_terms).to(device)
t0 = time()
s = decoder.compute_s(t)
fh = fs(s)
f_hat_t = decoder.line_integrate(fh, t)
"Stehfest Loss (Split apart):\t{}\t| time: {}".format(
np.sqrt(torch.nn.MSELoss()(ft(t), f_hat_t).cpu().numpy()), time() - t0
Stehfest Loss: 25.583345413208008 | time: 0.0011260509490966797
Stehfest Loss (Split apart): 25.583345413208008 | time: 0.0007259845733642578
(Un accelerated DeHoog)
decoder = Fourier(ilt_reconstruction_terms=s_recon_terms).to(device)
t0 = time()
f_hat_t = decoder(fs, t)
"Fourier (Un accelerated DeHoog) Loss:\t{}\t| time: {}".format(
np.sqrt(torch.nn.MSELoss()(ft(t), f_hat_t).cpu().numpy()), time() - t0
decoder = Fourier(ilt_reconstruction_terms=s_recon_terms).to(device)
t0 = time()
s, T = decoder.compute_s(t)
fh = fs(s)
f_hat_t = decoder.line_integrate(fh, t, T)
"Fourier (Un accelerated DeHoog) Loss (Split apart):\t{}\t| time: {}".format(
np.sqrt(torch.nn.MSELoss()(ft(t), f_hat_t).cpu().numpy()), time() - t0
Fourier (Un accelerated DeHoog) Loss: 0.01714298129081726 | time: 0.0023889541625976562
Fourier (Un accelerated DeHoog) Loss (Split apart): 0.01714298129081726 | time: 0.0010972023010253906
decoder = DeHoog(ilt_reconstruction_terms=s_recon_terms).to(device)
t0 = time()
f_hat_t = decoder(fs, t)
"DeHoog Loss:\t{}\t| time: {}".format(
np.sqrt(torch.nn.MSELoss()(ft(t), f_hat_t).cpu().numpy()), time() - t0
# Split evaluation of s points out from that of the line integral (should be the exact same result as above)
decoder = DeHoog(ilt_reconstruction_terms=s_recon_terms).to(device)
t0 = time()
s, T = decoder.compute_s(t)
fh = fs(s)
f_hat_t = decoder.line_integrate(fh, t, T)
"DeHoog Loss (Split apart):\t{}\t| time: {}".format(
np.sqrt(torch.nn.MSELoss()(ft(t), f_hat_t).cpu().numpy()), time() - t0
# Single line integral
decoder = DeHoog(ilt_reconstruction_terms=s_recon_terms).to(device)
t0 = time()
s = decoder.compute_fixed_s(torch.max(t))
fh = fs(s)
f_hat_t = decoder.fixed_line_integrate(fh, t, torch.max(t))
"DeHoog Loss (Fixed Line Integrate):\t{}\t| time: {}".format(
np.sqrt(torch.nn.MSELoss()(ft(t), f_hat_t).cpu().numpy()), time() - t0
decoder = DeHoog(ilt_reconstruction_terms=s_recon_terms).to(device)
t0 = time()
f_hat_t = decoder(fs, t, time_max=torch.max(t))
"DeHoog Loss (Fixed Max Time):\t{}\t| time: {}".format(
np.sqrt(torch.nn.MSELoss()(ft(t), f_hat_t).cpu().numpy()), time() - t0
DeHoog Loss: 1.2498872820287943e-05 | time: 0.016785144805908203
DeHoog Loss (Split apart): 1.2498872820287943e-05 | time: 0.018165111541748047
DeHoog Loss (Fixed Line Integrate): 0.0342152863740921 | time: 0.0032520294189453125
DeHoog Loss (Fixed Max Time): 0.03613712266087532 | time: 0.012520313262939453
decoder = CME(ilt_reconstruction_terms=s_recon_terms).to(device)
t0 = time()
f_hat_t = decoder(fs, t)
"CME Loss:\t{}\t| time: {}".format(
np.sqrt(torch.nn.MSELoss()(ft(t), f_hat_t).cpu().numpy()), time() - t0
decoder = CME(ilt_reconstruction_terms=s_recon_terms).to(device)
t0 = time()
s, T = decoder.compute_s(t)
fh = fs(s)
f_hat_t = decoder.line_integrate(fh, t, T)
"CME Loss (Split apart):\t{}\t| time: {}".format(
np.sqrt(torch.nn.MSELoss()(ft(t), f_hat_t).cpu().numpy()), time() - t0
CME Loss: 0.0068940832279622555 | time: 0.0011489391326904297
CME Loss (Split apart): 0.0068940832279622555 | time: 0.0009069442749023438